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COINS Romania

Habitat For Humanity Build

May 2018

Welcome to my site, here you can find information, photographs, tall tales and more on the COINS Build. 

This is a work of semi-fiction. I have paraphrased, mis-remembered and I expect just made some stuff up. But I do hope this provides a view of our trip and how much we truly enjoyed the experience.

Alex Smyrl, May 2018

  • Writer's pictureAlex Smyrl

House Building - Part 3

Updated: Jun 15, 2018

Thursday morning brought rain. And a strange feeling of dread that something would have caved in our wonderful trench. To be territorial over a hole in the ground and a pile of dirt was a new feeling for me.

Would we be Team Poo again today ?


No - the last day is to be truly an all hand on deck scenario. The contractors would be fitting all the rafters after finishing the frame the night before. We would be getting the rafters ..... across the site and up to the first storey.

Finally - the pile of wood we'd treated was going into the build. A fresh sense of satisfaction washed over me.


As we lugged the 4 metre rafters across site the contractors balanced precariously on the wobbly scaffold, using chain saws to create angles and turn the lumber into a roof. Chain Saw guy had his own temporary scaffold as he worked his was across the top beam (it probably has a proper name).

Viktor, the real site foreman, was standing in the lane off site measuring the position of each rafter by eye, yelling instructions in Romanian at the contractors and using hand signals (some quite rude) for us to bring the rafters to the right spot.


And we're leaving. We all note how quick the time has gone, and more importantly how much we've enjoyed it.

The removal from computers, emails (mostly), phones (mostly) and the pressures of office life to be able just to do something to help produce something that will provide four family homes for decades to come is an amazing experience. You might not feel it as the days pass, but looking at the team and the results of our days on site is a perfect conclusion to an amazing adventure.

Romania may not be the most challenged society or economy, but I felt there is a strong ethic of paying it forward. Hopefully the families we have helped will help someone in turn.

The Finished (not quite) Product

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